GlusterFS and RPi Overview We continue building out our IoT Pi project by adding volume storage that our Kubernetes cluster can use. This is a brief summary of the steps to create a glusterfs endpoint, Mounting the GlusterFS system on our Raspberry PIs and making them available to our Swarm. For this exercise we are …
Read More about RPi GlusterFS Install
Deploying the Kubernetes Dashboard
Now it’s time to deploy the kubernetes dashboard.
Testing our Kubernetes Cluster
Welcome to the second post in our Pi-IoT series. Technology Raspberry Pi 3 HypriotOS Kubernetes In our previous post, we created a kubernetes cluster using raspberry pi’s. Lets test that cluster now Deploying a Test Service Log into the master node and deploy
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export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/admin.conf kubectl run hypriot --image=hypriot/rpi-busybox-httpd --replicas=3 --port=80 |
kubectl starts a set of pods called hypriot from the hypriot/rpi-busybox-httpd …
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Angular, Keycloak and Wildfly: Tying It All Together
[thumbnail target=”_self” src=””] In previous posts, we have: Used vagrant to create a development environment Secured REST services with Keycloak You can find the code on our GitHub site: Now let’s use Keycloak and AngularJS to create a secure web application Once the REST services are secured, we will use Keycloak’s javascript adapter to secure the web application. …
Read More about Angular, Keycloak and Wildfly: Tying It All Together
Securing a REST service with Keycloak
How Can We Secure a Microservice? In a traditional web application, a server side web tier is used to authenticate the user. An HTTP session is then created containing the authentication and user details. The security context is propagated between the tiers within the application server so there’s no need to re-authenticate the user. With …
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